Saturday, March 07, 2009

Kampung Daun , 万隆, Bandung

Located within the resort-residence in the rural area of Bandung.

The restaurant itself is in a valley with many huts built on the slope, different sizes are available according to the number of patrons.

Beat the wooden 'ketuk' if you want to attract the waiters.

High walls of earth and solid rocks surrounds this place giving the exotic atmosphere hard to find elsewhere.

Don't forget to bring jacket, as temperature here could drops quite swiftly.

覆舟火山, Mount Tangkuban Perahu

When seen from Bandung, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu has a distinctive shape, like an upside down boat. Tangkuban Perahu means, in fact, "up-turned boat"

万隆, Bandung, Indonesia.

Bandung also known as "Tourist Shopping City".

There are many luxury shopping places in Bandung. But now fashion stores also grow rapidly into rejected export products, which is in good quality, then factory outlets ,and distribution outlets.

The main item on sale is clothing.

The shops are mainly found along the streets of Juanda (Dago), Cipaganti, Martadinata (Riau) and Cihampelas

万隆(Bandung)古称“勃良安”,意为“仙之国”,现名意为“山连山”。它是西爪哇首府、印尼第三大城市(仅次于 雅加达和泗水,位于印度尼西亚爪哇岛西部海拔715米的万隆盆地中,四面群峰环绕,植物繁茂,环境优美。虽地近赤道, 但因地势较高,气候凉爽,空气清新。年平均气温23℃。万隆景色秀丽,清静幽雅,四季如春,被誉为印尼最美丽的城市,素有“爪哇的巴黎”之称。早在17世 纪,万隆就已成为著名的旅游和避暑胜地。