Tuesday, December 09, 2008






Monday, December 08, 2008






Saturday, December 06, 2008

Mount Merapi, Indonesia

Mount Merapi is a conical volcano. It is the most active volcano in Indonesia and has erupted regularly. Its name means Mountain of Fire.

Food, Indonesia

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

World AIDS day, 1 December

It's World AIDS Day 1 December. Sorry to tell you that the AIDS pandemic has not gone away including here in Malaysia. We need to do more prevention and we need to do it soon. Meantime we need to care more about people living with HIV in our country as well as their families.

Those of you in KL, do make your way to Berjaya Times Square where there is an amazing exhibition by World Vision called One Life Revolution. You don headphones attached to a little tape recorder and walk through the rooms experiencing the lives of three different HIV+ people. It is informative, educational and most of all, moving.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


以下是22则很无聊的猜迷,当很无聊的时候读这种很无聊的猜迷,人生会 变得不太无聊。

1.贴在墙上的动物是什么? 海豹 (海报)

2.小白+小白= ? 小白兔(two)

3.蜘蛛人是什么颜色的? 白色(spiderman = 是白的man)

4.历史上,哪个人跑的最快? 曹操 (说曹操,曹操就到)

5.茉莉花.太阳花.玫瑰花,哪一朵花最没力? 茉莉花(好一朵没力的茉莉花)

6.象皮、老虎皮、狮子皮哪一个比较差? 象皮(橡皮擦)

7.布跟纸怕什么? 布怕一万,纸怕万一

8.身穿着金色衣服的人 (打一四字成语). 一名惊人(一名金人)

9.牛狗猪羊比赛赛跑…跑到终点后… 牛狗猪都喘得不得了…只有羊不喘气(打一四字成语). 扬眉吐气 (羊咩吐气)

10.放烟火时为什幺不会射到星星? 因为星星会"闪"

11.一个离过很多次婚的女人,该怎么称呼她? 前功尽弃 (前公尽弃)

12.狼到了北极变成什么? 槟榔(冰狼)

13.糖果是男生还是女生? 女生 (因为会生蚂蚁)

14.猴子最讨厌什麼线? 平行线,因为没有相交(香蕉)

15.木鱼掉进海里会变成什麼? 虱目鱼(湿木鱼)

16.哪一位艺人讲的笑话最冷? 蔡依琳,因为Jolin(台语=就冷)

17. 狼、老虎和狮子谁玩游戏一定会被淘汰? 狼~~桃太郎(淘汰狼)

18. 星星.月亮.太阳哪一个是哑巴? 星星:鲁冰花歌中有一句「天上的星星不说话」

19.左和右,谁喜欢独奏,谁又比较好? 左solo, 右so good (左手锣,右手鼓)

20. 周瑜与诸葛亮的母亲分别姓什麼? 「既」生瑜,「何」生亮

21. 和谁交往最辛苦? 莉莉,因为"粒粒皆辛苦"

22. 蝴蝶, 蚂蚁, 蜘蛛, 蜈蚣, 哪一个没有领到酬劳? 蜈蚣,因为:无功(蜈蚣)不受禄

Friday, November 28, 2008

Candi Seto, Solo, Indonesia

The 15th century temple of Candi Seto is located higher up the holy mountain of Gunung Lawu than Candi Sukuh at an elevation of 2200 meters. It was one of the last Hindu temples to be built in Java. There are outstanding views of the mountain slopes and rice fields from the temple grounds, and the mountain mists can make for an excellent atmosphere.

Candi Seto is built on multi-level terraces contains a small number of carvings and statues, but much fewer than Candi Sukuh. The site is also not in as good condition as Candi Sukuh and receives few visitors.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Candi Sukuh, Solo, Indonesia.

Candi Sukuh is located nearly 1000 meters up the slopes of the holy mountain of Gunung Lawu. It was built towards the end of the Majapahit kingdom in the 15th century and is noted for its unique design. It is a Hindu temple that also has Buddhist and animist design elements, as well as a stepped pyramid that has been called Mayan in appearance.

The art at Candi Sukuh is superb, including outstanding bas reliefs, giant turtle altars, and carvings of animals. It is relatively untouristed due to its more remote location.

Flora, Solo, Indonesia.